
Year Founded



2806 Flintrock Trce, Suite A205, Austin, TX 78738-1745, USA

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Enduring partnerships. Transparent communications. Shared vision.

Dynamic Campus is a higher-education focused technology partner with a proven, successful strategic process that’s been shaped and refined by nearly 25 years of long-term partnerships.

We’ve delivered increases in institutional performance and effectiveness at four- and two-year colleges and universities alike.

We are a vendor-independent, IT managed services partner focused on a singular purpose: to keep every tech-dependent segment of your institution running reliably, efficiently, sustainably, and securely, adhering to a shared vision of institutional and missional success.

To achieve success, we draw on our vast knowledge base and deep expertise leveraging experiences across the variety of partners we serve to deliver the best strategic, functional, and tactical technology services, all delivered through hundreds of
higher education-specific subject matter experts working within transparent, collaborative, and trusted partnerships.

Dynamic Campus offers a fast track to the advantages of a coalition without the time and expense it takes to vet, join, or create one on your own. Our partner institutions gain all the advantages of our nearly 25 years of 100% focus on higher education because we share the knowledge and experience we’ve gained with every institution we work with. This is not a new concept for us. Shared and managed IT and data services have always been the cornerstone of our business model.


Higher education is our only business.
We have unrivaled experience in IT for higher education. And since we have no obligations to any software or business solution, we focus on what will work best for your institution.

"By tapping into Dynamic Campus’ expertise and experience across multiple institutions, SBU stabilized the department, tackled critical projects, and boosted service delivery.”
Scott Moats, Ph.D
Chief Business Officer, Executive Vice President
Southwest Baptist University


Fully independent and flexible.

We’re vendor-independent; our only commitment for success is to you. And when it comes to contracts, we negotiate for your benefit, not ours.
"We’re able to trust their counsel because we know that they don’t have a dog in that fight and that they’re not profiting from us making one decision or another, and it’s in their best interest to make sure we’re getting the most bang for our buck.
Monsignor James P. Shea
University of Mary


We enable you to focus on your mission.
Our support empowers you to focus on your
mission-centered goals by leveraging technology
and ensuring alignment of your priorities.
Dynamic Campus allows us the opportunity to
strategically position the institution in a way that’s
relevant moving forward and is consistent with
our values.”


  • Be a servant leader
  • Be a team player
  • Be accountable
  • Act with the highest integrity
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Find solutions not problems

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Dynamic Campus is the largest vendor-neutral provider of technology outsourcing and m...

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Simone S. from Dynamic Campus Visited listing Dynamic Campus

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Patrick M. Executive Vice President from Dynamic Campus Visited listing Dynamic Campus

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7 days ago

Patrick M. Executive Vice President from Dynamic Campus Added CaseStudy Dynamic Campus Assists Enrollment Success for Record Growth at University of Mary

Dynamic Campus Assists Enrollment Success for Record Growth at University of Mary

Dynamic Campus -

The higher education analysts said it couldn't be done: Record enrollment at a small, private, rural and faith-based institution in Bismarck, North Dakota. An institution that just a year earlier had its top two sources of students offered free tuition if they attended an in-state public university instead.

How did the University of Mary and President Monsignor James P. Shea deliver record fall enrollment facing these kinds of headwinds? By deeply analyzing their data-rich environment for clues into what kinds of students enroll *and succeed* at UMary long term, creating a virtuous cycle that builds over time.

Read on to find out how UMary was able to pull it off, assisted by their long-term partnership with Dynamic Campus.

Contacts (1)

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Sheila Lang

Senior Vice President, Client Experience

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National Headquarters

2806 Flintrock Trce, Suite A205, Austin, TX 78738-1745, USA

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